Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Well I am back from Paris and enjoying the plethora of baked goods my mom made me. I can't tell you how excited I am to eat spicy food, salsa, avocados and decent sushi again. I can tell you how excited I am to be once again under the legal drinking age; I guess some how with the time difference I have become to immature to handle the ability to buy Pabst Blue Ribbon and Cheap-as-sin Vodka. Jet lag does that.
Anyway, I wanted to really thank you guys for reading my blog over the past four months. Things didn't exactly work out as well as I wanted them to with "A chef's table", but I have really enjoyed writing this blog. I have never been one of those people who keeps a journal, and frankly I have always been jealous of the fact that some people know exactly what they were feeling at a certain point in their life. So while the flavors of all the madelienes, the vietnamese food and the oysters have left my palate, I am truly pleased to be able to look back on this blog and know that, if nothing else, I had a great time eating my way around Paris.
Hemingway said “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveable feast.” Paris is magical, there is no doubt about it and I feel like I got out of this experience with a new appreciation for the Euro and the delicate complexity of Paris's sometimes wonderful, sometimes disappointing, but always interesting food culture.
Look out for my next food blog when I chronicle my eating experiences though out the romantic world of Vassar's dining hall! Just kidding. Merci encore (je adorerai toujour mes lecteurs)

A bientot!

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