Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Que la lumiere soit!

Hercules had his 10 feats. Alexander had to conquer the known world. Tom Cruise was been commanded to destroy Xenu’s evil galactic empire by converting us all to Scientology. And once in a lifetime us mortals are given a great task, and this is mine:

This summer I worked as the intern for a fabulous show broadcast on NPR from WHYY in Philadelphia called “A chef’s table with Jim Coleman”. The show is about food and culinary culture (it can be found at http://www.whyy.org/chef); each week Jim interviews guests who discuss everything from deep-frying turkeys to table manners. Being their intern was a great experience, but alas I had to leave the WHYY studios to spend my semester studying abroad in Paris.
I know, my life is hard, right? What task could they possibly force that poor boy to do? Well, the producers of a chef’s table asked me, as a reward for being such a wonderful intern (I got carpal-tunnel and I’m not even going to sue!) to report back once a month for “A chef’s table” about my culinary adventures in France!

This blog will chronicle that mythically IMPOSSIBLE task having to find good places to eat in France. What’s that? Hercules had to kill the Hydra and I am just eating croissants? Well then I guess he was just a sucker.
In all seriousness though, I want to experience all that modern Paris has to offer: smell the stinkiest cheese, slurp best pho this side of Hanoi, taste the most decadent foie gras, and even wolf down some slimy garlicky snails. So come join me as I search for the culinary soul of this legendary city.

While I may gain 30 pounds or have to get a quadruple bypass heart surgery, I will accomplish my task, and I hope that you will join me in reading my blog and listening to my reports on “A chef’s table”.

Don’t you Wanna French (with Ben Grinspan)?

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